XJUbunTAB 16.07.09 – TouchScreen ready with Gestures

I’ve updated the web http://xjubuntab.xjesus.net
I would appreciate if some English native correct some mistakes and if you think you can make some good guide to install it.
Also I’m thinking of recording one video review, but my English is not the best… I’ll make it in Spanish and later in English, but if some of you can make a proper English video I would be glad to see it and share it. You can use some VirtualBox or any real device.

I’m uploading the last update of the XJUbunTAB ISOs with some improvements:
– Compiz now is less CPU hungry and Unity has a lower CPU usage, but still high compared to XFCE. (OpenGL : Vsync unchecked and Texture = Fast)
– Firefox GPU Hardware Acceleration enabled (forced) by default in 16.07.10 release. Following this guide: http://en.librehat.com/blog/force-enable-hardware-acceleration-in-firefox-on-linux/

(If you use VirtualBox please don’t set 3D acceleration in the graphics config because it’s buggy with Firefox and Chrome)

– In Chrome you have to go to Settings -> Advanced (down below) -> Enable Hardware Accel… , and if you have trouble with it you can disable it running in a terminal «google-chrome –disable-gpu-compositing» and then disable the setting

(Enabled by default in 16.07.10 release)
SoundWire Server ready to run from the desktop to send audio to any Android device through WiFi. I recommend you to set a buffer of only 32K and no audio compression. I’ve been watching youtube videos and listening to them in the mobile phone and it’s perfect with a good WiFi signal.
– I’ve disabled the customized DPI and increased fonts in both XFCE and Unity. So you will have to adapt it to your own tablet and personal taste.
– Some other small fixes and changes


The «oibaf» ISO means it has the oibaf PPA with the latest graphic drivers, but if it doesn’t work with your device (some times it doesn’t boot in my Teclast X98 Plus), you can try the «sta» which means standard graphic drivers and doesn’t include the oibaf PPA.

More info: https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers

Touchegg gestures editor

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